a) I, Elizabeth Garcia, affirm I have completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b) Law, David R. "A Choice Theory Perspective On Children's Taekwondo." International Journal Of Reality Therapy 24.1 (2004): 13-18. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 Oct. 2014. <,uid&db=aph&AN=15114633&site=ehost-live&scope=site>
This has been my best source because it provides a excellent analysis of the martial art, which transfers over to my art.
c) Completed.
d) The majority of my time was spent running and judging games. There were moments of true teaching. However, I realized it is much of the same, because both activities involve getting and keeping the kids attention, and to lead them correctly.
My best moments of work can be seen here and here. My project was approved as what I was doing previously for my mentorship. By continuing to do it, I gained more experience doing exactly what I was trying to accomplish with my project as a whole.
By doing more of the same thing, I gained greater understanding of my topic and project. Doing more of my work gave me more time with the kids and more experience teaching. I can look back on a couple times I was unsatisfied with my work. I was a little too rude to the Down Syndrome girl (personal bias from another source), or I was in a generally negative mood, or I was too displeased with a group because I expected better. I could handle these situations better. Because of the time spent with my independent component, I am better prepared to be a better teacher later on.
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