Saturday, February 28, 2015

Extra Post: February

Very few interesting things to report.

Firstly, I have no pictures for the month. Secondly, I don't think I'll have any next month. There was suppose to be a tournament like the one in October, but it was pushed back to next month. However, this is a different kind of tournament where the kids play games. I doubt it will be worth photographing. Plus there will be so many kids and so many parents somebody is bound to get mad.

In the first class a child who won't talk joined. His grandmother used to take classes so she thought it would be a good idea to socialize him. She follows him from group to group trying to encourage him. I have heard him speak a few times, which is always a good thing. His sister is there to help him as well.

The most noteworthy thing is in the adult class. My independent component 2 is comparing working with the little kids to older kids. A girl joined the second class and I've been working with her. I am the only girl that comes regularly. There are two more who come sometimes but they are both younger  than the new girl. I've spent most of the month teaching the new girl since I am a) experienced and b) closest to her age.

I also spent a little time observing the older kids as my Independent component 2 is supposed to be. My main observation is they are more focused but generally enjoy the same level as fun as the little kids. They still need to learn respect though. Fast too. They care a lot about showing off and doing things as cool as they can, regardless of how correct it is and how "cool" it is.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Blog 16: Answer 2

1. What is your EQ?
What is the most significant factor for effectively teaching karate to children?

2. What is your first answer?
The most significant factor for effectively teaching karate to children is for an instructor to be patient with the children.

3. What is your second answer?
The most significant factor for effectively teaching karate to children is for an instructor to understand the content they are teaching.

4. List three reasons your answer is true with real world application for each.
Answer 1:

  • Everyone gets content at their own pace
    • No good trying to force anyone to learn something faster than they can
  • An instructor can't get angry if the kids don't get it
    • If a teacher did that the parents would jump on that fast
  • The right amount of information should be given to them
    • Too much and people fall behind
Answer 2:
  • Without knowing the content, the content cannot be taught effectively
    • Trying to teach something you don't know is near impossible
  • Understanding the content well makes for a better teaching experience
    • Teaching something you understand to someone can be done well
  • Knowing the content makes it easier to see errors in students
    • While teaching someone something it is easier to notice errors the more you know
5. What printed sources best support your answer?
  • Wiley, Carol A. Martial Arts Teachers on Teaching. Vol. 53. Berkely: North Atlantic, 1995. Io. Google Books. Web. 22 Jan. 2015.
  • Enkamp, Jesse. "The Karate Kids Teaching Guide: What You Need to Know about Teaching Karate to Kids." Karate by Jesse. KarateNerd. Web. 21 Aug 2014.
  • Lindsey, Peter. "An Open Mind." Shotokan Karate. The Victoria Shotokan Karate-Do And Kobudo Association. Web. 3 Aug. 2014.

6. What other sources support your answer?
  • Kim, Sang H. Teaching Martial Arts. Turtle Press Corporation, 2000. e-book.

7. Tie this together with a concluding thought
This will be my best answer.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Approval

1. Describe in detail what you plan to do with your 30 hours.
I will continue to help teach the younger kids as I have done for Independent Component 1 and my Mentorship. However, I will also be further observing the older kids in the second class. I will also teach the older kids in the second class. I will also take time to help prepare all ages for upcoming tournaments and testing.

2. Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
The best I can do is have pictures taken of certain moments of my teaching/assisting. I would like to take pictures with the kids showing who specifically I am helping. My mentor's wife can view my log so she can confirm my hours if it is necessary.

3. Evidence how this component will help you explore your topic more in depth.
I will continue to spend time with the younger kids, but will also see how teaching changes with older kids. I can observe how the older, and more driven kids learn. This can be compared to teaching the younger kids. I can also observe and teach teenagers, which is also comparable to the little kids. I can even analyze the adults, however that is debatable as to how helpful it is to my topic.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Blog 14: Independent Component 1

a) I, Elizabeth Garcia, affirm I have completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b) Law, David R. "A Choice Theory Perspective On Children's Taekwondo." International Journal Of Reality Therapy 24.1 (2004): 13-18. Academic Search Premier. Web. 9 Oct. 2014. <,uid&db=aph&AN=15114633&site=ehost-live&scope=site>
This has been my best source because it provides a excellent analysis of the martial art, which transfers over to my art.
c) Completed.
d) The majority of my time was spent running and judging games. There were moments of true teaching. However, I realized it is much of the same, because both activities involve getting and keeping the kids attention, and to lead them correctly.

My best moments of work can be seen here and here. My project was approved as what I was doing previously for my mentorship. By continuing to do it, I gained more experience doing exactly what I was trying to accomplish with my project as a whole.

By doing more of the same thing, I gained greater understanding of my topic and project. Doing more of my work gave me more time with the kids and more experience teaching. I can look back on a couple times I was unsatisfied with my work. I was a little too rude to the Down Syndrome girl (personal bias from another source), or I was in a generally negative mood, or I was too displeased with a group because I expected better. I could handle these situations better. Because of the time spent with my independent component, I am better prepared to be a better teacher later on.