Sunday, April 26, 2015

Blog 19: Independent Component 2

a) I, Elizabeth Garcia, affirm I have completed my independent component which represents 39 hours of work.
b) My source, "Kim, Sang H. Teaching Martial Arts. Turtle Press Corporation, 2000. e-book." was an important source for me throughout the Independent Component. My Interviews 4 and 3 with my mentor and his wife respectively were also very important for me.
c) Senior hours long has been updated.
d) I spent over 30 hours volunteering with the children and the older kids. I taught in both groups and saw how both groups learn. I also assisted in a tournament for the karate studio. Lots of time was spent guiding the youngest kids. A large portion was spent with the older kids doing their katas and observing how they work.

My time spent with the different types of kids gave me new information that I would not have had just focusing on the 1st class. I observed and taught both groups of kids.
Examples can be found here and here. I regret not having a picture of the full classes.

The Independent Component gave me more time with the younger children and allowed me more opportunities to be a better teacher. The same as my volunteering and Independent Component 1.
My time spent with the older kids provided perspective of how one learns throughout their karate career. For example, I observed a large group practice kata with Sensei for almost 2 months. They had become comfortable in their skills, but their skills were lacking. I saw Sensei have to force perspective into them, along with give them time to practice.
Lots of time was also spent with the new girl, which gave me the chance to see how a new student who is more mature and mentally developed learns. When she first joined I was tasked with teaching her. She did so well I thought she was ready to learn kata, weapons, and basics. She tested this month and is starting to advance in karate.

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