Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Blog 18: Fourth Interview Preparation

These are the questions I decided on for my fourth interview. I want to interview my mentor Jerome Walczak. He has however been very adamant against interviews. If he does not agree, I will have to change questions and interview someone else. Who I don't know yet.
Half are the same as my last interview because the two people do similar jobs, so the questions applied to both.
  1. Why did you start teaching?
  2. What kept you teaching?
  3. What was/is your most helpful resource when it comes to teaching?
  4. What techniques do you use to engage the children?
  5. What is the best way to keep kids invested in karate?
  6. How does teaching differ with age?
  7. What age group is the easiest to teach and why?
  8. What age group is the hardest to teach and why?
  9. What is the best way to control hyperactive/disrespectful children?
  10. What have you found to be the best way to explain a technique in a way that a child can understand?
  11. What is the best way to cater to multiple learning styles?
  12. What do you believe is the most important trait a martial arts teacher needs (patience, discipline, enunciation etc.) and why?
  13. How experienced does a person need to be in order to do a good job teaching, and why?
  14. What are your expectations of children from when they join to having years’ experience?
  15. How would you explain to a child they need to wait longer? (testing, taking turns, etc.)
  16. Do you believe enforcing the karate philosophy while teaching helps the kids? Why and how, or why not?
  17. How do you approach parental involvement?
  18. How important is preparation when it comes to teaching?
  19. What, in your opinion is the most significant factor for effectively teaching karate to children?
  20. What is the worst part of teaching?
  21. What is the best part of teaching?

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